Serving the Foster Care Community

Over 1,000 children in our region enter foster care each year. Often, the children have no warning and come with minimal belongings.

The foster family is responsible for meeting all of the child’s basic physical and emotional needs. The first few days in foster care bring a lot of changes for both the child and the foster family. We, as their community, can shoulder some of their burden.


By providing a welcome kit within 24 hours of placement, we are hoping to alleviate some of the burden of clothes and other essential items, freeing the foster parent to focus on the emotional well being of the newest member of their household.

Maybe the largest impact we hope for is the potential to bring a smile to a child’s face on a very uncertain day in their life. With neglect being a leading cause of children entering care, showing these children the kindness and love of strangers is our motivating force.

For more information about our Welcome Kits, check out our Host a Drive page. Foster Parents can also request a Welcome Kit for new placements.


Konnect is our co-ed retreat we have created for foster, kinship, and adoptive parents to connect.

Our Mission is To provide space and retreat for foster, adoptive, and kinship parents to connect, heal and recharge along their parenting journey.

If this sounds like something you would enjoy and benefit from, check out the Konnect page for more information.

Over 4,000 children in foster care in SC
60% of children enter foster care due to neglect
The average age of a child in foster care in America is 6 1/2.
More than 1,000 additional foster homes are needed in South Carolina.